Health Resources Library

Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Homemade sun-dried tomatoes are super easy to make.  They can be stored in and airtight container for months, if they last that long!
Use them to add some intense flavor to soups, salads, pizza, or actually just about anything.

Step 1:

Pick approximately 2 lbs. Roma tomatoes.  (About 5-6 large tomatoes)

Step 2:

Wash tomatoes.  Slice in 1/4″slices and place in a medium bowl.  Add olive oil, salt, and dried basil.  Gently toss to coat tomatoes.

Step 3:

If using an oven: Place a cooling rack on a baking sheet and arrange tomatoes in a single layer on rack, be sure tomatoes do not overlap.

If using a dehydrator: Place tomatoes on drying rack.

Step 4: 

Place baking sheet in oven on lowest rack and bake for 3-4 hours.  (shorter or longer depending on thickness of cut and juiciness of the tomato).  Tomatoes are done when that are no longer moist.  Turn oven off and keep tomatoes in the oven until they fully cool.

Drying Time if Using an Oven: Preheat oven to 200°

Drying Time if Using a Dehydrator: Place dehydrator on lowest temperature setting or 115°
Dry for about 10-12 hours.  Tomatoes are done when that are no longer moist.

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